Intervales State Park, a vital ecological sanctuary managed by the Fundação Florestal, spans approximately 41,700 hectares and was officially established in 1995, although its protective status dates back to 1987. Nestled within the stunning Serra do Mar escarpment, which rises to 3,300 feet, the park is strategically located along the southeastern coast of Brazil. This remarkable region not only serves as a refuge for diverse flora and fauna but also plays a crucial role in preserving the rich biodiversity of the Atlantic Forest ecosystem.
The park is surrounded by several other significant reserves, including Carlos Botelho State Park, Petar, Fazenda Nova Trieste, Xitué, and Nascentes do Paranapanema, which collectively encompass over 150,000 hectares of pristine Atlantic forests. These interconnected areas, referred to as the "Continuum de Paranapiacaba," showcase an impressive altitudinal gradient that ranges from nearly sea level to elevated terrains. This unique geographical feature contributes to a variety of microclimates, fostering an array of habitats that support numerous species, some of which are endemic to this region.
Visualizar Continnum em um mapa maior
The vast expanse of the "Continuum de Paranapiacaba," along with the neighboring reserves that border Intervales, plays a crucial role in safeguarding the park's ecological integrity. Nestled within this rich landscape, Intervales serves as a prime destination for birdwatchers eager to explore the Atlantic Forest Ecosystem. Over 430 bird species have been documented in the park and its surrounding buffer zone, a testament to the effective conservation efforts in place. Additionally, Intervales boasts an impressive network of birdwatching trails, most of which are accessible by 2x4 vehicles at any time. This accessibility enhances Intervales' reputation as one of the most fruitful birding locations in southeastern Brazil.
Visitors are encouraged to take their time to immerse themselves in the unique rainforest environment, soaking in the diverse sounds and sights that this extraordinary ecosystem has to offer.

Birding Trails
Self-guided Trail
Birding Trails
Self-guided Trail
The central area of the Park around the lodges there is a self-guided trail through secondary growth, marsh areas and fishing lakes. There is plenty of good birding in this trail and the following species can be seen: Rusty-barred Owl, Buff-fronted Owl (seeing occasionally), Stygian Owl (seen recently) White-breasted Tapaculo, Araucaria Tit Spinetail, Giant Antshrike, Large-tailed Antshrike, Red-eyed Thornbird, Swallow-tailed Cotinga, Red-ruffed Fruit Crow, Azure-shouldered Tanager, Golden-chevroned Tanager, Blue-and-orange Tanager (during the winter), Olive-green Tanager, Blue Dacnis and Black-legged Dacnis (nesting every year around the lake).
Mirante Trail
Mirante Trail
This trail begins just in front Pica-pau Lodge and goes up for 2,5 km, with an altitude varying from 2.800 to 3.000 ft. At the end of the trail is possible to see a beatiful sight of the hilly landscape of the "Continuum de Paranapiacaba". Highlights include White-bearded Antshrike, Bertoni's Antbird, Ferruginous Antbird, Such's Antthrush, Short-tailed Antthrush, Spotted Bamboowren and Atlantic Royal Flycatcher ( nesting by the Lago Negro).
Lageado Trail
The most reliable trail for species suchs as: Blue-bellied Parrot (May/June), Oustalet's Tyrannulet, Mottle-cheeked Tyrannulet, Russet-winged Spadebill, Crescent-chested Puffbird.
Carmo Road
Carmo Road is a 35 km driving path, which begins at the central area of the park (2.800 ft. elevation) and ends at Alecrim ranger station (600 ft. elevation), only the first 10 kms of the road can be accessed by 2x4 car, the road goes through well preserved forest, surrounded by Palm trees (Euterpes edulis), and bamboo (Guadua tagoara), attracting a great variety of species such as: Solitary Tinamou, Mantled Hawk, Black-faced Piping-Guan (most reliable place), Blue-bellied Parrot, Rusty-breasted Nunlet, Crescent-chested Puffbird, Saffron Toucanet, Helmeted Woodpecker (most reliable place), Slaty Bristlefront, Tufted Antshrike, White-bearded Antshrike, Star-throated Antwren, Scaled Antbird, Squamate Antbird, Such’s Antthrush, Speckle-breasted Antpitta, White-collared Foliage-Gleaner, Pale-browed Treehunter, Grey-capped Tyrannulet, Oustalet’s Tyrannulet, Brown-breasted Bamboo-Tyrant, “Atlantic” Royal Flycatcher, Pin-tailed Manakin, Serra do Mar Tyrant-Manakin, Hooded Berryeater, Cinnamon-vented Piha (common at Carmo), Bare-throated Bellbird (abundant), Brown Tanager, Buffy-fronted and Temminck’s Seedeater, (both abundant when the bamboo is flowering) Red-rumped Cacique and Golden-winged Cacique.
Barra Grande Road
Like Carmo Road, Barra Grande Road begins at the central area of the park and ends at São Pedro Nucleus, which is 45 kms from the park's headquaters, only the first 10 km is 2x4 drivable, with a 4x4 car is possible to traverse primary forest for 10 kms (3 km ahead Barra Grande), where is excellent for birding, especially the first 5 kms. Notable birds include Mantled Hawk, Black-faced Piping-Guan, Rusty-barred Owl, Black-capped Screech-owl Owl, Silky-tailed Nightjar (occasionally seeing), Crescent-chested Puffbird, Giant Antshrike, Red-ruffed Fruit Crow, Bare-throated Bellbird, Pin-tailed Manakin, Azure-throated Tanager, Golden-chevroned Tanager, and Black-legged Dacnis.
Ribeirão Grande Road
Ribeirão Grande Road
This road which links Ribeirão Grande City to Intervales is also good for species which are not common in the park. Spotted Nothura, Small-billed Tinamou, American Kestrel, White-tailed Hawk, Red-legged Seriema, Burrowing Owl, Short-eared Owl (seen occasionally), White-eared Puffbird, Yellowish Pipit (always on the fence post), Gray Monjita (always on the fence post), Streamer-tailed Tyrant, Grassland Yellow-finch, Wedge-tailed Grass-Finch, White-browed Blackbird, Chestnut-capped Blackbird and Yellow-rumped Marshbird are some of the species you are likely to see on the way to the park.
On the low section of the Park we have one of the best birding site, Saibadela Trail offers the chance to see a high range of lowland birds, located at about 200 ft from sea level and surrounded by a well-preserved forest (Primary Growth mainly), different birds not found on the high section of the Park can be found there, such as: Yellow-legged Tinamou, Chanel-billed Toucan, Blue-bellied Parrot , Brown-backed Parrotlet (occasinally seeing), Black-headed Berryeater (commonly seeing), Azure Jay (commonly seeing), Green Honeycreaper among others. This trail is not generally opened to the public but can be accessed by arrangement in advance.
Birding Guides
Local guides
In order to access all the trails and find those wanted species, Intervales has three excellent local birding guides to accompany the visitors, they were born and raised in the park and have an unrivalled knowledge of the area, they know the calls and the scientific names of all the birds in the region and where to find them.
- Luis Avelino started working with bird researching in 1987, since then Luis has gathered a great experience.
- Betinho Rodrigues began his career working as birding guide in 2002, he is also a good photographer.
- Gerson Rodrigues guiding since 2015
- Renato Paiva guiding since 2015
- Faustino Avelino has been working as birding guide since 2004, leading people from all around the World.
All the trails except the self-guided trail must be accompanied by a birdwatcher guide from the Park.
*We do recommend that you book the guides in advance.
For more information about fees, booking, guide and acommodation contact us:
Phone: 005515 3542 1511 / 005515 3542 1245