By Car
Take the Rodovia Castello Branco out of São Paulo and exit at Tatuí (Rodovia SP 127), continuing to Itapetininga, Capão Bonito and Ribeirão Grande. From there take a 25 km unpaved road till the Park. See the map below.
By Bus
Intervales can also be reached by public bus. From the International Airport of Guarulhos you can catch a taxi or take a bus "Bus service" to Barra Funda Terminal Bus, from there, a company "Traspen" runs regular service to Capão Bonito for around R$ 90,00 (July 2019). After arriving in Capão Bonito Terminal Station you can catch a taxi to Intervales, that will cost about R$ 100,00 (July 2019). For more information about travelling by bus contact us, we will help you organize your trip to Brazil in the best possible way.
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